Tqsl No Records to Upload Error Messaage

  1. Getting an Error message when trying to upload my logs to LOTW. I've changed nothing and it'due south ever worked in the past. This has been happening since yesterday that I know of.


  2. If this helps...


  3. W1DQ

    W1DQ Logbook Administrator Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Propose you re-setup LoTW Access

    From history Dec half-dozen "View Report":

    ....Signing using Call=K0EED, DXCC=291
    QSO date is not within the engagement range specified on your Callsign Certificate ....

  4. That makes absolutely no sense. I've changed literally naught, nada, zero nada zilch!. Why does it all of a sudden cease working?
  5. Notation engagement final updated.


  6. W1DQ

    W1DQ Logbook Ambassador Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Click on SETTINGS
    Scroll to File Import/Export History
    Click on View Study for results

    Contact : https://ssl.qrz.com/support

  7. So I did that and deleted that record. It just moves to the next tape that up and says the aforementioned thing. Manifestly something has changed. Not going to delete all the QSO's in my log that QRZ says are an issue as none of them are wrong. The one I deleted had nothing wrong with information technology either. Somethings has gone awry with the logging on qrz as there are several threads started with people accept problems. Would like to meet this fixed.
  8. Submitted a ticket to support. Hopefully they can effigy it out. Thank you
  9. I've heard nothing back from QRZ on this? I did submit a ticket. I see I"chiliad non the only one having bug with the QRZ logging. My TQSL is not out of date (valid from 2017 through to 2027) so current logs should upload simply I keep getting the mistake. Looking at the report this is what I get.

    0 out of 1623 records sent.
    Records already sent: 1579
    ADIF output errors: 0
    TQSL Signed Successfully: No
    Uploaded to LoTW Successfully: No

    TQSL Output:
    14:09:28: Callsign Certificate Loaded: K0EED (Brian Dresser) DXCC = 291

    (process:27158): GLib-GObject-Warning **: fourteen:09:29.003: invalid (Nada) pointer instance

    (process:27158): GLib-GObject-Critical **: xiv:09:29.003: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (example)' failed

    (procedure:27158): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 14:09:29.003: invalid (Zilch) arrow instance

    (process:27158): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 14:09:29.003: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
    Callsign Certificate Loaded: K0EED (Brian Dresser) DXCC = 291

    Root Certificates: Loaded: 1 Duplicate: 0 Fault: 0
    CA Certificates: Loaded: 1 Indistinguishable: 0 Error: 0
    Callsign Certificates: Loaded: 1 Duplicate: 0 Error: 0
    Individual Keys: Loaded: 1 Duplicate: 0 Error: 0
    Configuration Data: Loaded: 0 Duplicate: 0 Error: 0

    Signing using Phone call=K0EED, DXCC=291
    QSO date is not inside the date range specified on your Callsign Document on line 48
    band: 40m
    band_rx: 40m
    call: WA3MMS
    freq: 7.208
    freq_rx: 7.208
    mode: LSB
    my_cnty: MN
    my_country: United States
    my_cq_zone: 4
    my_gridsquare: EN16OW94
    my_itu_zone: 7
    my_state: MN
    qso_date: 20201205
    station_callsign: K0EED
    time_on: 1153

    No records output

    (process:27164): GLib-GObject-Alarm **: 14:09:29.117: invalid (Cipher) arrow instance

    (process:27164): GLib-GObject-Disquisitional **: xiv:09:29.117: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed

    (process:27164): GLib-GObject-Warning **: 14:09:29.117: invalid (Zippo) pointer instance

    (process:27164): GLib-GObject-Critical **: 14:09:29.117: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed

    Again I've changed not 1 thing and suddenly this isn't working?

  10. I run into the notice on the top of the user forum. I'll expect for an update to that postal service. That thread was closed I'm assuming to not have it flooded with posts similar mine. I'll just wait for the update to that.
    Thank you lot
  11. I don't see any updates to the thread that is closed but I do see others withal having issues with the logbook as I am. An update would be dainty.
  12. OK I'm hither to eat some crow. Hopefully this will help many others here. Unknown to me (I should have known this) but LOTW Certificates are only good for iii years. They Expire. I don't recall having to renew mine only I must have. Mine was expired. Nothing that QRZ did was wrong I had my head upwards my backside. I'm man enough to admit it.

    For those who are having issues get to LOTW and await at your current Cert and it'll tell you if it's expired. Select Your Certificates on the left and then y'all can view the properties of it.


    If it'south expired you tin asking a new ane through TQSL (Renew the Certificate---See below)

    On TQSL (make sure y'all accept the most recent version) y'all can renew or view your your logbook properties in that location.


    I requested mine final night and got information technology today.

    Hope this helps someone else out. It's not rocket science yous simply have to practise a little research. I got lazy. At present back to my crow.


  13. W1DQ

    W1DQ Logbook Administrator Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

  14. Related to this topic:
    I'm helping my bro get his failing QRZ->LoTW upload working and am stumped looking for clues.
    I recollect once hearing about and reviewing a folder containing the last LoTW upload errors (if whatsoever).
    I neglected to tape where that was only it was definitely a binder with a few files with fault info.
    They may have been pure text or maybe XML. Neurons are rusty.
    I've searched hither and elsewhere and cannot find another mention of it.
    The fact that QRZ is a web app (not a local) farther muddies the waters.
    Anyone know what I'g talking about and, if then, where the folder with such error files is located?
    Since my LoTW uploads have been working and theses files are simply present after errors, I can't search for them.
    Any aid would be appreciated.
    Happy Holidays
  15. How bizarre. I was merely thinking most the exact thing and about to post what you just did.
    And then Thank you. Y'all saved me the trouble. That just leaves a possible video, though!
    I'd also add that one should be sure to fix the 1st and final QSO dates to the minimum and maximum possible.
    On next renew, I'll set my QSO start date to the year earlier I was licensed and the last to later than the expiration date.
    So I'll set my final QSO date to the twelvemonth I turn 120, ha! TQSL may reset that to be the expiration date.

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ad: Radclub22-1


Source: https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/error-message-trying-to-upload-to-lotw.738004/

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